Bereavement Support

Take advantage of professional support.

We never heal from the loss of those we love. You may sometimes feel the need to open up to others but out of modesty, shyness or fear of hurting them, you choose to close yourself off in your solitude. However, exchanging and expressing your feelings and your pain could help you get through the stages of grief.


Monday meetings

Vivre son deuil

Every Monday, join a virtual group meeting, hosted by Michel Trozzo, psychosocial intervention worker. Share your questions or your grief experience with others. This is an opportunity to take advantage of group support to get through this difficult time.

Meetings are held on site, every** monday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 3254, rue Bellechasse (angle St-Michel), in Montreal

Free activity*

Sign up at [email protected] or for more informations, call 514-277-7778.
*Seats are limited - Hours may change.
** Except the following holidays: Monday June 24 (Quebec National Day), Monday July 1 (Canada Day), Monday September 2 (Labor Day), Monday October 14 (Thanksgiving).

Psychological Consultations

Healing the soul is the work of specialists. MEMORIA offers its clients complimentary psychological counselling (in French) with two specialists of the soul: Diane Légaré, psychologist, and Michel Trozzo, psychosocial intervention worker. This support service can be spread over six sessions. Whether it is because you simply want some information or to take full advantage of the service, at your own rate, call us right away. You can then decide yourself how many sessions you wish to attend.

Art therapy

Based on certain principles of psychology and visual arts, this approach promotes self-expression through the creation of images. Everyone can reconnect with their creative process in order to explore and better understand their emotions to face the death of a beloved one. You don't have to be an experienced artist, this formula works for everyone.

Group Art Therapy

The workshops are led by Karine Bouchard, art therapist.
Here are the dates and topics of the next workshops:

  • July 23 - On the road of my grief, where am I?
  • August 20 - I collect little moments of softness.
  • September 24 - Sans toi je me sens perdu, mais je me retrouve grâce à la carte de mes repères
  • October 15 - Je me reconstruis et j'honore mes cicatrices.
  • November 12 - Je me souviens...

: 7pm - 9:30pm
Location : Les espaces MEMORIA - 1120 Rue Jean-Talon E, Montréal, QC H2R 1V9
Price : 25$ including supplies - Free for our client families

To register, complete the application form by clicking here.

 Art therapy at home

We've come up with downloadable activities you can do from home. We're now offering home-based workshops in collaboration with our long-time partner, Jean-Marc Péladeau.

Please allow approximately 15 minutes for each session.


In this period of confinement imposed on us, it is important we take the time to absorb the new that will emerge from this historical moment. Without being fully aware of it, we are all in a kind of mourning. When everything returns to normal, we will never be the same again. We will, each in his or her own way, have passed from death to life. 

- Jean-Marc Péladeau, art therapist


Art therapy for children 

For children, the idea of losing a loved one can be hard to grasp. Under the circumstances, how can they best say goodbye, or show their support for those around them? Here’s where you come in: don't hesitate to discuss what’s happened and encourage them to share their feelings. Maybe making a drawing would express it best, or writing a note to the family.

To help you open a dialogue with your children, we’ve come up with a colouring activity they can do. It’s as simple as choosing a picture they like and letting their creativity run free. Once they’re done, they then take a photo of their picture and share it online with the family. 

Here are a couple of examples

These days, children are under more stress than usual, so it’s important to know there are a number of specialized services that can help them deal with their grief over the phone, including Deuil-Jeunesse and La Maison des Petits Tournesols.


Children and bereavement

Les enfants et le deuilIn partnership with the French-language service Deuil jeunesse, MEMORIA offers up to four psychological support sessions for grieving children and adolescents, free of charge. These services are also available for adults who wish to prepare their children for — or accompany them through — the grieving process. To make an appointment, call us at 514-277-7778 or send us an email at [email protected]

Yoga Memoria

Take a moment for yourself during MEMORIA Yoga sessions. For some, these gentle yoga sessions will be an opportunity to slow down, heal wounds, return to life and to yourself. For others, they will help relieve physical tension, loosen the body, catch your breath and regain balance. Inhale and exhale to the rhythm of exercises suitable for everyone.

The sessions will be held every Monday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., starting on July 8, 2024, at our Bellechasse complex. They will be hosted by Martine Bergeron.

To book your free lesson write to us at : [email protected]
You have to bring your own exercise mat.


Other Resources