M. Mario Donati
1937 - 2022
La famille accueillera parents et amis au :
Le lundi 17 octobre 2022 de 14h à 17h et de 19h à 21h
À Montréal, le 27 septembre 2022, est décédé monsieur Mario Donati, époux de feu Rolande Marcotte Quevillon.
Il laisse dans le deuil, parents et amis.
La famille vous accueillera, le lundi 17 octobre 2022 de 14h00 à 17h00 et de 19h00 à 21h00 au salon funéraire Alfred Dallaire Memoria 2159 Boulevard St-Martin Est Chomedey, Laval. L'inhumation aura lieu à Monréal, le mardi 18 octobre 2022 à 11h00 au cimetière Notre-Dame-des-Neiges.
S'il-vous-plaît, ne pas envoyer de fleurs. Un don à une fondation de votre choix serait apprécié.
Mario était grandement apprécié de sa famille et de ses amis. Il était toujours prêt à rendre service. Tout ce qu'il entreprenait, il le réussissait avec brio: rénovation, réparation de tout genre: plomberie, électricité, technologie etc... Il était aussi un «chef cuisinier » hors pair. Mario s'intéressait à tout. Il a su garder son cœur d'enfant, sa collection de «toutous» en témoigne.
Jusqu'à la fin, il nous a parlé de ses projets pour le chalet où il aimait se rendre régulièrement. Il nous a dit souvent combien il s'ennuyait de sa Rolande.
Aujourd'hui, Mario est allé rejoindre sa «perle» Rolande, l'amour de sa vie.
Mario, tu vas nous manquer.
You enjoyed company, asking many to visit for a meal or a glass of wine. You were quick to joke or play on words with satire and tongue in cheek. If you liked someone, you went to the nth degree for him. But if someone was not acting correctly, it didn’t take you long to tell him off, in no uncertain terms. That was Mario! Either you liked someone or didn’t, and we knew where we stood with you.
You were a simple man with no airs about you! What we saw was what you were. You helped repair things. Sometimes they worked no better than before, but you had to try.
If we were cooking and needed a recipe, in no time, you would send it to us. You never left anyone in the lunch. Your skills were not limited to cooking. You showed us how you welded metal to create forged table legs.
Family was important to you! You made a point to visit the “oldies” bringing your parents to chat with relatives or friends. You were entrusted to take care of different relatives. You were dedicated to your Mom, touring Italy in a wheelchair. You even delayed marrying Rolande until she passed. I don’t think many young men would have prioritized their moms as you did! Because of your knowledge of construction, many called on you for advice. Remember the shrine for Gino’s Madonna?
Your job in H.R. brought people from all walks into your life. You had the ability to read people well. Many have remained in your life as friends, visiting you from Toronto, Vancouver and Europe. You moved into your residence to be with others. Some visited you in the hospital while others sent me testimonials now.
Although you were loved by many, you had a difficult time adjusting, after Rolande passed 3-4 months ago. Being a proud person, you kept up a good appearance and tried to live as before. But this routine was not enough. You missed your “Perle” as you complimented each other so well. Once you found yourself in the hospital, you lost your “joie de vivre” and decided to join Rolande.
Rest in Peace, Mario. We will miss you!